I wouldn't be here (on neocities) without the bxtches from the lestalk discord server. Their excellent neocities sites are:
- Lute : The Complete Lee Experience!
- Fish Dinger : aka Emily Fish, the reigning expert in dinging fish (no fish harmed in the making of this site).
- Zed and Spud : Zed the human and Spud the service dog in training.
- R-C Cola : Rachel, a multitalented New Yorker.
- Simply Creature : Aster!
- Odjur : A Eurasian Forest Troll!
- Tunafish : a portfolio of visual art by Danny (very talented).
- Jdix : Jay, an expert in mushroom photography and loving Rosie. Perhaps has some thoughts about flags.
- Soupkitchen : Soup, heavily featuring bearpog and his other excellent illustrations.
- Definitely Not Cohen : Cohen, can show you a nice goat.
- Side Quest Objects : Objects that trigger side quests (by the excellent poet, Syd.)
- Pretty King, Handsome Queen : Alister, and the year 2007.
I live with two cats, both are small but one is smaller. The smaller one is named Small Cat. She weighs 5 pounds and she's 4 years old. This is her:
My larger cat roommate is named Nala. She weighs 10 pounds and is also around 4 years old.
The two of them are in love.
I have a lot of animal friends that I don't live with because I've been petsitting to earn extra money since early 2017. These are some of my favorites: